Besides the social issue, preconception genetic diagnosis could also address to some ethical issues which has been largely responsible for Italian rejection of PGD on embryos for any purpose.

The new Italian law is inspired by the principle of the inviolability of human life from its inception, thus aiming to protect every early pre-implantation embryos. Persons who hold the view that embryos are already persons or subjects with rights, strongly oppose PGD because it leads to selection of healthy embryos and discarding of the affected ones.

In particular, the act of discarding affected embryos could also be considered disrespectful by someone, hurting persons bearing the burden of a genetic disease.

The identification, by 1PB testing, of oocytes that are mutation-free, prior their fertilization, obviates to the above criticism, preventing the loss of any embryo while maintaining the aim of the achievement of unaffected pregnancies and the birth of healthy children.

We are also confident that, once removed the main ethical obstacle that has prevented PGD acceptance in Italy (i.e. genetic testing on embryos) through application of preconception genetic diagnosis, Italian lawmakers will arrive at a fully agreed compromise, allowing the access to IVF technique also to couples who are not infertile but are carriers of genetic diseases.